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Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets


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(1988年9月5日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过 2010年4月29日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议第一次修订 2024年2月27日第十四届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议第二次修订)


  Chapter I General provisions

  Chapter II The scope and classification of State secrets

  Chapter III Confidentiality system

  Chapter IV Supervision and administration

  Chapter V Legal liability

  Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  Chapter I General provisions

  第一条 为了保守国家秘密,维护国家安全和利益,保障改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业的顺利进行,根据宪法,制定本法。

  第二条 国家秘密是关系国家安全和利益,依照法定程序确定,在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知悉的事项。

  Article 3 Upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China over the protection of state secrets (hereinafter referred to as confidentiality)。中央保密工作领导机构领导全国保密工作,研究制定、指导实施国家保密工作战略和重大方针政策,统筹协调国家保密重大事项和重要工作,推进国家保密法治建设。

  第四条 保密工作坚持总体国家安全观,遵循党管保密、依法管理,积极防范、突出重点,技管并重、创新发展的原则,既确保国家秘密安全,又便利信息资源合理利用。

  Matters required to be disclosed by laws and administrative regulations shall be disclosed in accordance with the law。

  Article 5 State secrets shall be protected by law。


  Any act endangering the security of state secrets must be prosecuted by law。

  Article 6 The State secrecy administrative department shall be in charge of the secrecy work throughout the country。The local confidentiality administrative departments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the confidentiality work in their respective administrative areas。

  Article 7 State organs and units involved in state secrets (hereinafter referred to as organs and units) shall administer the confidentiality work of their own organs and units。

  The central state organ shall, within the scope of its functions and powers, administer or guide the confidentiality work of the system。

  第八条 机关、单位应当实行保密工作责任制,依法设置保密工作机构或者指定专人负责保密工作,健全保密管理制度,完善保密防护措施,开展保密宣传教育,加强保密监督检查。

  第九条 国家采取多种形式加强保密宣传教育,将保密教育纳入国民教育体系和公务员教育培训体系,鼓励大众传播媒介面向社会进行保密宣传教育,普及保密知识,宣传保密法治,增强全社会的保密意识。

  第十条 国家鼓励和支持保密科学技术研究和应用,提升自主创新能力,依法保护保密领域的Intellectual property。

  第十一条 县级以上人民政府应当将保密工作纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,所需经费列入本级预算。

  The funds required by the organ or unit to carry out confidentiality work shall be included in the annual budget or annual revenue and expenditure plan of the organ or unit。

  Article 12 The State shall strengthen the training of confidential personnel and team construction, and improve the relevant incentive and guarantee mechanism。

  Organizations and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the work of guarding and protecting state secrets shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State。

  Chapter II The scope and classification of State secrets

  第十三条 下列涉及国家安全和利益的事项,泄露后可能损害国家在政治、经济、国防、外交等领域的安全和利益的,应当确定为国家秘密:

  (1) Secret matters in major decision-making on state affairs;

  (2) secret matters in the activities of national defense and the armed forces;

  (3) Secret matters in diplomatic and foreign affairs activities and secret matters under the obligation of confidentiality to the outside world;

  (4) secret matters in national economic and social development;

  (5) secrets in science and technology;

  (6) Secret matters in activities to safeguard national security and in the investigation of criminal offences;

  (7) Other secret matters determined by the State secrecy administrative department。

  Secrets of political parties that conform to the provisions of the preceding paragraph are state secrets。

  Article 14 State secrets shall be classified into three levels: top secret, secret and secret。

  Top secret state secrets are the most important state secrets,The disclosure would cause particularly serious damage to national security and interests;Classified state secrets are important state secrets,Disclosure would cause serious damage to national security and interests;Secret state secrets are general state secrets,The disclosure would harm national security and interests。

  第十五条 国家秘密及其密级的具体范围(以下简称保密事项范围),由国家保密行政管理部门单独或者会同有关中央国家机关规定。

  The scope of military secrecy matters shall be prescribed by the Central Military Commission。

  The determination of the scope of confidentiality matters shall follow the principle of necessity and reasonableness, scientific evaluation, and timely adjustment according to changes in the situation。The provisions on the scope of confidentiality matters shall be published within the relevant scope。

  第十六条 机关、单位主要负责人及其指定的人员为定密责任人,负责本机关、本单位的国家秘密确定、变更和解除工作。


  Article 17 In determining the classification of state secrets, the authority to do so shall be observed。

  中央国家机关、省级机关及其授权的机关、单位可以确定绝密级、机密级和秘密级国家秘密;设区的市级机关及其授权的机关、单位可以确定机密级和秘密级国家秘密;特殊情况下无法按照上述规定授权定密的,The State department for secrecy administration or the department for secrecy administration of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may grant an organ or unit the power to determine secrets。Evaluation of scientific and technological achievementsThe specific limits of authority and scope of authorization shall be prescribed by the state security administrative department。

  The lower organs and units consider that the confidential matters arising from their own organs and units belong to the confidential authority of the higher organs and units,Security measures shall be taken in advance,And immediately report to the higher authorities, units for confirmation;Having no organ or unit at a higher level,It shall immediately request the competent business department or the confidentiality administrative department with the corresponding authority to determine the confidentiality。

  Public security organs and state security organs shall, within the scope of their work, determine the classification of state secrets within the prescribed limits of their authority。

  第十八条 机关、单位执行上级确定的国家秘密事项或者办理其他机关、单位确定的国家秘密事项,需要派生定密的,应当根据所执行、办理的国家秘密事项的密级确定。

  第十九条 机关、单位对所产生的国家秘密事项,应当按照保密事项范围的规定确定密级,同时确定保密期限和知悉范围;有条件的可以标注密点。

  第二十条 国家秘密的保密期限,应当根据事项的性质和特点,按照维护国家安全和利益的需要,限定在必要的期限内;不能确定期限的,应当确定解密的条件。

  Unless otherwise provided for, the period of confidentiality of state secrets shall not exceed thirty years for top secret, twenty years for secret and ten years for secret。

  Organs and units shall, according to the needs of their work, determine the specific period of confidentiality, time for declassification or conditions for declassification。


  Article 21 The scope of knowledge of state secrets shall be limited to the minimum scope according to the needs of work。


  国家秘密的知悉范围以外的人员,因工作需要知悉国家秘密的,应当经过机关、单位主要负责人或者其指定的人员批准。Where the original secret organs and units have clear provisions on expanding the scope of knowing state secrets, they shall abide by those provisions。

  第二十二条 机关、单位对承载国家秘密的纸介质、光介质、电磁介质等载体(以下简称国家秘密载体)以及属于国家秘密的设备、产品,应当作出国家秘密标志。

  Electronic documents involving state secrets shall be marked as state secrets in accordance with relevant provisions of the State。

  If it is not a state secret, no state secret symbol may be made。

  Article 23 The classification, duration of confidentiality and scope of knowledge of state secrets shall be changed in a timely manner in light of changing circumstances。Changes in the classification, duration of confidentiality and scope of knowledge of state secrets shall be decided by the original secret organ or unit, and may also be decided by the organ at a higher level。

  Where there is a change in the classification, duration of confidentiality or scope of knowledge of a state secret, the state organ, unit or person within the scope of knowledge shall be notified in writing without delay。

  Article 24 State organs and units shall examine and approve the state secrets they determine every year。

  If the period of confidentiality of a state secret has expired, it shall be declassified on its own。在保密期限内因保密事项范围调整不再作为国家秘密,或者公开后不会损害国家安全和利益,不需要继续保密的,应当及时解密;需要延长保密期限的,应当在原保密期限届满前重新确定密级、保密期限和知悉范围。In case of early declassification or extension of the confidentiality period, the decision shall be made by the original confidential organ or unit, and may also be made by the organ at a higher level。

  第二十五条 机关、单位对是否属于国家秘密或者属于何种密级不明确或者有争议的,由国家保密行政管理部门或者省、自治区、直辖市保密行政管理部门按照国家保密规定确定。

  Chapter III Confidentiality system

  第二十六条 国家秘密载体的制作、收发、传递、使用、复制、保存、维修和销毁,应当符合国家保密规定。


  第二十七条 属于国家秘密的设备、产品的研制、生产、运输、使用、保存、维修和销毁,应当符合国家保密规定。

  Article 28 Organs and units shall strengthen the management of carriers of state secrets, and no organization or individual shall commit any of the following acts:

  (1) Illegally obtaining or holding carriers of state secrets;

  (2) buying, selling, transferring or privately destroying carriers of state secrets;

  (3) Transferring carriers of state secrets through ordinary post, express delivery or other channels without security measures;

  (4) sending or consigning state secret carriers out of the country;

  (5) carrying or transmitting state secret carriers out of China without the approval of the relevant competent authorities;

  (6) Other acts violating the provisions on the confidentiality of carriers of state secrets。

  Article 29 It is prohibited to illegally copy, record or store state secrets。


  It is prohibited to involve state secrets in personal contacts and correspondence。

  第三十条 存储、处理国家秘密的计算机信息系统(以下简称涉密信息系统)按照涉密程度实行分级保护。

  Confidential information systems shall be planned, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions and standards of the State on confidentiality, and shall be equipped with confidential facilities and equipment。Confidential facilities and equipment shall be planned, constructed and operated synchronously with the secret-related information system。

  The secret-related information system shall not be put into use until it has passed inspection in accordance with regulations, and risk assessment shall be carried out on a regular basis。

  第三十一条 机关、单位应当加强对信息系统、信息设备的保密管理,建设保密自监管设施,及时发现并处置安全保密风险隐患。No organization or individual shall:


  (2) Failure to adopt effective security measures in accordance with the provisions and standards of the State,Evaluation of scientific and technological achievementsExchange information between classified information systems, classified information equipment, the Internet and other public information networks;

  (3) Using non-classified information systems or non-classified information equipment to store or process state secrets;

  (4) uninstalling or modifying security technical procedures and management procedures of classified information systems without authorization;

  (5) Giving away, selling, discarding or repurposing confidential information equipment that has not been processed by security technology;

  (6) Other acts that violate the provisions on the confidentiality of information systems and information equipment。

  Article 32 Security products and technology and equipment used to protect State secrets shall comply with the provisions and standards of the State on State secrets。


  第三十三条 报刊、图书、音像制品、电子出版物的编辑、出版、印制、发行,广播节目、电视节目、电影的制作和播放,网络信息的制作、复制、发布、传播,应当遵守国家保密规定。

  Article 34 Network operators shall strengthen the management of information released by their users,配合监察机关、保密行政管理部门、公安机关、国家安全机关对涉嫌泄露国家秘密案件进行调查处理;发现利用互联网及其他公共信息网络发布的信息涉嫌泄露国家秘密的,The transmission of this information should be stopped immediately,Keep relevant records,向保密行政管理部门或者公安机关、国家安全机关报告;应当根据保密行政管理部门或者公安机关、国家安全机关的要求,Delete information involving the disclosure of state secrets,And the related equipment technical treatment。

  Article 35 State organs and units shall conduct confidential examination of information to be disclosed in accordance with the law and abide by the provisions of the State on confidentiality。

  Article 36 Data processing activities involving state secrets and their security supervision shall comply with the provisions on state secrecy。


  State organs and units shall strengthen the security management of data belonging to state secrets after being gathered and linked in accordance with law。

  第三十七条 机关、单位向境外或者向境外在中国境内设立的组织、机构提供国家秘密,任用、聘用的境外人员因工作需要知悉国家秘密的,按照国家有关规定办理。

  第三十八条 举办会议或者其他活动涉及国家秘密的,主办单位应当采取保密措施,并对参加人员进行保密教育,提出具体保密要求。

  第三十九条 机关、单位应当将涉及绝密级或者较多机密级、秘密级国家秘密的机构确定为保密要害部门,The special places for the centralized production, storage and safekeeping of state secrets shall be identified as the key parts of confidentiality,To equip and use necessary technical protection facilities and equipment in accordance with State secrecy provisions and standards。

  第四十条 军事禁区、军事管理区和属于国家秘密不对外开放的其他场所、部位,应当采取保密措施,未经有关部门批准,不得擅自决定对外开放或者扩大开放范围。

  The surrounding areas of secret-related military installations and other important secret-related units shall strengthen the administration of secrecy in accordance with the provisions of the State on secrecy。

  第四十一条 从事涉及国家秘密业务的企业事业单位,应当具备相应的保密管理能力,遵守国家保密规定。


  第四十二条 采购涉及国家秘密的货物、服务的机关、单位,直接涉及国家秘密的工程建设、设计、施工、监理等单位,应当遵守国家保密规定。


  第四十三条 在涉密岗位工作的人员(以下简称涉密人员),按照涉密程度分为核心涉密人员、重要涉密人员和一般涉密人员,实行分类管理。

  The appointment or employment of secret-related personnel shall be examined in accordance with relevant state regulations。


  The lawful rights and interests of secret-related personnel shall be protected by law。Relevant treatment or compensation shall be given to secret-related personnel whose lawful rights and interests are affected or restricted due to reasons of confidentiality。

  第四十四条 机关、单位应当建立健全涉密人员管理制度,明确涉密人员的权利、岗位责任和要求,对涉密人员履行职责情况开展经常性的监督检查。

  第四十五条 涉密人员出境应当经有关部门批准,有关机关认为涉密人员出境将对国家安全造成危害或者对国家利益造成重大损失的,不得批准出境。

  Article 46 The departure and resignation of secret-related personnel shall comply with the provisions of the State on confidentiality。Organs and units shall carry out confidentiality education reminders, remove the carriers of state secrets, and implement period management。涉密人员在脱密期内,不得违反规定就业和出境,不得以任何方式泄露国家秘密;脱密期结束后,应当遵守国家保密规定,对知悉的国家秘密继续履行保密义务。涉密人员严重违反离岗离职及脱密期国家保密规定的,机关、单位应当及时报告同级保密行政管理部门,由保密行政管理部门会同有关部门依法采取处置措施。

  第四十七条 国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施并及时报告有关机关、单位。After receiving the report, the organ or unit shall deal with it immediately and report to the confidentiality administrative department in a timely manner。

  Chapter IV Supervision and administration

  Article 48 The State secrecy administration department shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, formulate rules and standards on secrecy and state secrecy。

  第四十九条 保密行政管理部门依法组织开展保密宣传教育、保密检查、保密技术防护、保密违法案件调查处理工作,对保密工作进行指导和监督管理。

  第五十条 保密行政管理部门发现国家秘密确定、变更或者解除不当的,应当及时通知有关机关、单位予以纠正。

  第五十一条 保密行政管理部门依法对机关、单位遵守保密法律法规和相关制度的情况进行检查;涉嫌保密违法的,Shall promptly investigate and handle or organize and urge the relevant organs and units to investigate and handle;Suspected of crime,It shall be transferred to the supervisory and judicial organs in accordance with the law。

  The secret-related personnel who seriously violate the provisions of State secrecy shall be recommended by the secret-related administrative department to be transferred from secret-related posts。

  The relevant organs, units and individuals shall cooperate with the confidentiality administrative departments in performing their duties according to law。

  第五十二条 保密行政管理部门在保密检查和案件调查处理中,可以依法查阅有关材料、询问人员、记录情况,先行登记保存有关设施、设备、文件资料等;必要时,可以进行保密技术检测。

  The state secret carrier illegally obtained and held by the confidentiality administrative department as found in the confidentiality inspection and case investigation and handling,It shall be collected;It is found that there is a hidden danger of revealing state secrets,Measures should be required,Rectification within a time limit;Facilities, equipment and places that have hidden dangers of disclosing state secrets,Shall be ordered to stop using。

  第五十三条 办理涉嫌泄露国家秘密案件的机关,需要对有关事项是否属于国家秘密、属于何种密级进行鉴定的,由国家保密行政管理部门或者省、自治区、直辖市保密行政管理部门鉴定。

  第五十四条 机关、单位对违反国家保密规定的人员不依法给予处分的,保密行政管理部门应当建议纠正;对拒不纠正的,提请其上一级机关或者监察机关对该机关、单位负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员依法予以处理。

  第五十五条 设区的市级以上保密行政管理部门建立保密风险评估机制、监测预警制度、应急处置制度,会同有关部门开展信息收集、分析、通报工作。

  第五十六条 保密协会等行业组织依照法律、行政法规的规定开展活动,推动行业自律,促进行业健康发展。

  Chapter V Legal liability

  第五十七条 违反本法规定,有下列情形之一,根据情节轻重,依法给予处分;有违法所得的,没收违法所得:

  (1) Illegally obtaining or holding carriers of state secrets;

  (2) buying, selling, transferring or privately destroying carriers of state secrets;

  (3) transferring carriers of state secrets through ordinary post, express delivery or other channels without security measures;


  (5) Illegally copying, recording or storing state secrets;

  (6) involving state secrets in private contacts and correspondence;


  (8) failing to take effective security measures in accordance with the provisions and standards of the State on security, (Evaluation of scientific and technological achievementsConnecting classified information systems and equipment to the Internet or other public information networks;


  (10) using non-classified information systems or equipment to store or process state secrets;

  (11) uninstalling or modifying the security technical procedures and management procedures of classified information systems without authorization;

  (12) giving away, selling, discarding or reusing classified information equipment that has not been processed by security technology for other purposes;

  (13) Other violations of the provisions of this Law。

  Where the circumstances mentioned in the preceding paragraph do not constitute a crime and are not subject to punishment, the confidentiality administrative department shall urge the organ or unit to deal with them。

  第五十八条 机关、单位违反本法规定,发生重大泄露国家秘密案件的,依法对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予处分。The confidentiality administrative department shall urge the competent department to deal with the personnel who are not subject to sanctions。


  第五十九条 网络运营者违反本法第三十四条规定的,由公安机关、国家安全机关、电信主管部门、保密行政管理部门按照各自职责分工依法予以处罚。

  Article 60 An enterprise or institution qualified for confidentiality violates the provisions of the State on confidentiality,The confidentiality administrative department shall order rectification within a time limit,Give a warning or circulate a notice of criticism;There are illegal gains,Confiscation of illegal gains;serious,Suspend secret-related business and reduce qualification level;The circumstances are particularly serious,Revocation of confidentiality qualification。

  未取得保密资质的企业事业单位违法从事本法第四十一条第二款规定的涉密业务的,由保密行政管理部门责令停止涉密业务,Give a warning or circulate a notice of criticism;There are illegal gains,没收违法所得。

  第六十一条 保密行政管理部门的工作人员在履行保密管理职责中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予处分。

  Article 62 Whoever violates the provisions of this Law and constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law。

  Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

  第六十三条 中国人民解放军和中国人民武装警察部队开展保密工作的具体规定,由中央军事委员会根据本法制定。

  第六十四条 机关、单位对履行职能过程中产生或者获取的不属于国家秘密但泄露后会造成一定不利影响的事项,适用工作秘密管理办法采取必要的保护措施。Measures for the administration of work secrets shall be stipulated separately。

  Article 65 This Law shall come into force as of May 1, 2024。

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Copyright © 2022 China Science and Technology Innovation (Beijing) Evaluation CenterBeijing ICP for 17020091-1